Ignite Your Business
In Foundations you will see the big picture of your referral marketing plan. You will be identifying your referral team and be given the tools to measure your activities. It’s time to network Smarter, not Harder for your Referral Team to send you a steady stream of referrals!
Part One
You will discover that part of you and your business that makes you undeniably unique. Once you have articulated your Emotionally Charged Connection ™ all your marketing and sales activity become more enjoyable and more effective.
Part Two
With the clarity of your Emotionally Charged Connection™ you will now be identifying a Target Market that wants to do business with you as seriously as you want to do business with them.
Part Three
You will be identifying your eight sources of referrals and rate the relationship level with the VCP Process®
Part Four
Now it’s time to start doing the right things with the right people to get the right results.
Part Five
If we want people to refer us we need to equip them with the right tools to effectively bring us business. It’s time to bring out the “Tool Box”.
Part Six
Technology has brought a whole new world of communication to our businesses. We can now take social media, the internet and public relations to amplify our referral marketing.
Part Seven
The completion of your Referral Marketing Paln…with the understanding of how to fully use it generating an amazing business and a spectacular life!